January 30, 2011

7. CLIL Model

Integration means bringing science or knowledge of various related subjects together, or blend harmoniously, in order to organize the teaching and learning under the same topic together for higher efficiency. With an emphasis on holistic knowledge than contents each of course, and focused on the knowledge of learners over the content is determined by the teacher.
Key features of the integrated approach
1. The integration process between knowledge and practice.
2. The integration of the subjects harmoniously.
3. The integration between what they have learned to real life.
4. The integration to provide redundancy of content.
5. The integration of the relationship between concepts of different subjects
to make learning meaningful.
Benefits of Integration
1.  A course application or other sciences
linked together under the same topic.

2. It occurred to the students studying in depth and similar to real


 3. Helps students gain knowledge and understanding in a holistic


4. Allows students to seek knowledge and understanding of things

 around them.

5. An approach that allows teachers to work together, or coordinate

 with each other happily.

 6. Promoting the teachers to figure out how to apply new


Example: VDO  CLIL

Example: Plan
C LIL.docx

1 comment:

  1. Hi Khun Wane,

    I like your blog theme, as the colors are easy for me to read (I have very bad eyesight). The site works quite fast, which is also a plus.
    May I suggest that you look at the places where you use the word "skill" and change the word to "skills" where appropriate?
    I was a little bit confused by your description of PPP, because it looks like you are using a business model instead of a teaching model. I thought PPP stood for Presentation, Production and Practice?
    At the end of the day, though, the bottom line is how much the students learn, since the teacher can teach, and the teacher can guide and advise, but the teacher cannot learn for the students.
